PETA號令美國費城賓州病院 聘請素食員

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PETA號令美國費城賓州病院 聘請素食員


  有鑒於美國格伊辛格衛生醫療體系(Geisinger Health System)請求新進員工須經由過程尼古丁測試能力任職以後,日前善待植物構造(PETA)也去信美國費城賓州病院(Pennsylvania Hospital),由「自動食齋比被動戒煙更無益康健」的角度,發起院方將來隻聘請素食員工。

  此封信系由PETA的履行副總崔西‧雷曼(Tracy Reiman)致予格伊辛格企業的CEO格倫斯蒂爾(Geisinger CEO Glenn Steele)。函件內容提到,斟酌此法能削減肉類花費所發生的各式疾病,且有助於省去醫療保健用度,並援用名言「一天一蘋果,大夫闊別我」來講明這句話一樣實用於醫療人員,誇大素食帶來的好處。



  PETA to Pennsylvania Hospital: Don’t Stop at Non-SmokersHire Only Vegetarians

  A ‘No Meat’ Hiring Policy at Geisinger Health System Would Improve Employee Health and Morale, Says Group

  For Immediate Release:

  January 11, 2012


  Kristin Richards 202-483-7382

  Danville, Penn. — On the heels of the news that Danville-based Geisinger Health System is now requiring that new hires test negative for nicotine, PETA sent a letter to Geisinger CEO Glenn Steele with a suggestion that would aid the hospital in its mission to cut health-care costs and create a healthier work environment: Require that all new employees be vegetarian. In the letter, PETA explains that vegetarians are less prone to heart disease, diabetes, obesity, and cancer than meat-eaters are and suggests that Geisinger encourage current employees to embrace a healthy vegetarian lifestyle.

  Eating an apple a day can keep the doctor away, and that goes for hospital staff too, says PETA Executive Vice President Tracy Reiman. It’s a win-win decision. By promoting a vegetarian work environment, Geisinger will send an important message about healthy eating, reduce health-care costs, and save the lives of thousands of animals.

  For more information, please visit

  PETA’s letter to Dr. Glenn D. Steele Jr., President and CEO of Geisinger Health System, follows.

  January 11, 2012

  Glenn D. Steele Jr., M.D., Ph.D.

  President and CEO

  Geisinger Health System

  Dear Dr. Steele:

  On behalf of People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) and our more than 3 million members and supporters, Im writing regarding your announcement that Geisinger Health System will no longer hire employees who test positive for nicotine. This move is commendable. May we suggest the next logical step, i.e., no longer hiring anyone who eats meat?

  As you may know, vegetarians (and in particular, vegans) are significantly healthier than meat-eaters. The American Dietetic Association (ADA) conducted a comprehensive review of scientific studies on meat-free eating and concluded that vegetarian diets provide health benefits in the prevention and treatment of certain diseases. The ADA also stated, Vegetarians have been reported to have lower body mass indices than nonvegetarians as well as lower rates of death from ischemic heart disease; vegetarians also show lower blood cholesterol levels; lower blood pressure; and lower rates of hypertension, type 2 diabetes, and prostate and colon cancer. Vegetarians get all the protein, vitamins, and fiber that they need without the artery-clogging cholesterol and saturated animal fats found in meat, eggs, and milk.

  To help staff members who currently eat meat transition to a healthy diet, we recommend providing all employees with a delicious meat-free lunch every day. Once employees sample tasty meals like vegetarian shepherds pie and Buffalo wing–style chicken nuggets (made from plant protein)and as they shed unwanted pounds and feel more energeticthey will realize how easy it is to eat healthy foods. This perk would cost a fraction of the money that Geisinger would save as a result of lower health-care costs. Wed be happy to consult with you on food preparation or suggest local restaurants that could provide you with these meals, and well gladly provide each staff member with a free copy of our vegetarian/vegan starter kit.

  By hiring only vegetarians and encouraging current staff to go meat-free, Geisinger would reap the benefits of healthier, happier employees while reducing the companys health-care costs. Please let me know of your decision.

  Thank you for your consideration.


  Tracy Reiman

  Executive Vice President


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